2022 Pellegrino Symposium
Friday, May 13, 2022
2-4 pm EDT via Zoom
“Medical Education and the Moral Enterprise of Medicine”

The 2022 Pellegrino Student Scholars Essay Award Winners

Dr. Pellegrino’s concept of the moral enterprise of medicine centered on the clinical encounter. He suggested that this encounter requires, on the part of the clinician, a moral compass that is directed toward the good of the patient.
In the current environment, with structural injustice and other challenges to how we care for people, particularly those who are disenfranchised and vulnerable in a variety of ways, medical education requires some strong commitments from students, faculty, administrators, and all those engaged in medical practice. Recognizing that the history of medicine includes deeply shameful incidents, how do we ensure that doctors do not give in to pressures that lead to dehumanizing and abusive practice? How we can form medical students and others in training to commit to the good of those who seek care?
These challenging but critical questions will be the focus of a conversation among Pellegrino Center director Myles N. Sheehan, SJ, MD and two leaders in medical education, Dr. Lee Jones, Dean for Medical Education at Georgetown University School of Medicine and Dr. David J. Skorton, President and CEO of the Association of American Medical Colleges.
The Pellegrino Center is also pleased to recognize the 2022 Pellegrino Student Scholars Essay Award Winners, Taylor Christie Carver, RN (GU School of Nursing, Nurse-Midwifery/Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner Program, 2023) and Dillon Williams, MS (GU School of Medicine, 2025), who will be interviewed by their faculty mentor, Dr. David Miller.