6th Annual Pellegrino Symposium: Patient–Centered Medicine
John Collins Harvey Lecture & h Annual Pellegrino Symposium
Thursday, April 25 – Friday, April 26, 2019
Georgetown University Hotel and Conference Center
Washington, DC

2019 Pellegrino Young Scholars’ Essay Prize
An important new feature of the Annual Pellegrino Symposium, sponsored by the Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics at Georgetown University, is the Pellegrino Young Scholars’ Prize. We invited graduate students, professional students, resident physicians, and post-doctoral fellows to submit essays addressing theoretical questions or ethical issues in “Patient-Centered Medicine,” in conversation with the work of Pellegrino. The author of the winning essay received a $500 prize and is invited to present the work in a 45-minute lecture at this year’s Annual Pellegrino Symposium to be held at Georgetown University on April 26, 2019. For additional information about the Seminar, visit our registration website.
The winning essay will be published in an issue of the journal Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics. Three runner-up essays will be considered for publication in Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine (if merited, but not guaranteed) for an issue in 2019-2020.
The 2019 essay contest winner is:
MaryKate Brueck
PhD Student
Department of Philosophy,
Georgetown University
John Collins Harvey Lecture: Featured Speaker

O. Carter Snead, JD
William P. and Hazel B. White Director, de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture
Professor of Law, Concurrent Professor of Political Science, University of Notre Dame
Title: “Remembering the Body: Toward a More Human Public Bioethics”
Professor Carter Snead is the William P. and Hazel B. White Director of the de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture, Professor of Law in the Law School, and Concurrent Professor of Political Science at the University of Notre Dame. Professor Snead is one of the world’s leading experts on public bioethics – the governance of science, medicine, and technology in the name of ethical goods. He has published over 40 journal articles, book chapters and essays on abortion, embryo research, neuroethics, assisted reproduction, end of life decision-making, assisted suicide, and euthanasia. His articles have appeared in such publications as the New York University Law Review, the Harvard Law Review Forum, the Vanderbilt Law Review, Constitutional Commentary, the Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law and Ethics, the Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, and Political Science Quarterly. He is the the editor of two book series with the University of Notre Dame Press, including “Catholic Ideas for a Secular World.” He has advised officials in all three branches of the federal government on matters of public bioethics. He served as General Counsel to President Bush’s Council on Bioethics (chaired by Leon R. Kass). He led the US delegation to UNESCO and was its chief negotiator for bioethics-related treaties and conventions from 2003-2005. He also served as the US Permanent Observer to the Council of Europe’s Steering Committee on Bioethics from 2006-08. From 2008-12, the Director General of UNESCO appointed him to a four-year term on the International Bioethics Committee. In 2016, Pope Francis appointed him to the Pontifical Academy for Life, which advises the Vatican on culture of life issues. He is also an elected fellow of The Hastings Center, the oldest independent bioethics research institute in the world.
Speakers of the 6th Annual Pellegrino Seminar

F. Daniel Davis, PhD
Director of Bioethics, Geisinger Health System
Title: “Patient Centered Care: Pellegrino and Beyond”
Watch Lecture

Gloria Ramsey, JD, RN, FNAP, FAAN
Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
Title: “Patient-Centered Care: Balancing the Needs of the Military with the Needs of Patients”
Watch Lecture

Daniel P. Sulmasy, MD, PhD
Andre Hellegers Professor of Biomedical Ethics, PCCB
Acting Director, Kennedy Institute of Ethics
Title: “Patient Centered Care and Population Health: The Problem of the Many and One”
Watch Lecture

Holly Lynch, JD, MBE
John Russell Dickson, MD Presidential Assistant Professor of Medical Ethics,
Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy; Assistant Faculty Director of Online Education,
University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine
Title: “Right to Try and the Guise of Patient-Centeredness”
Watch Lecture

James Giordano, PhD, MPhil
Chief, Neuroethics Studies Program
Scholar-in-Residence, PCCB;
Distinguished Visiting Professor of Brain Science, Health Promotions and Ethics,
Coburg University of Applied Sciences, Coburg, Germany
Title: “Treatment or Enhancement: Which Good; What Limits; Whence Justice?”
Watch Lecture

MaryKate Brueck, PhD(c)
PhD Student
Department of Philosophy,
Georgetown University
Title: “Trusting the Agent, Benefitting the Patient: Towards a Defense of the Beneficence-in-Trust Model”
Watch Lecture
Past Pellegrino Seminar Topics and Videos
“Pellegrino and the Healer’s Role“: featuring reflections on the medical profession and the role of the healer, and
“Clinical Ethics in the Tradition of Pellegrino“: featuring reflections on current topics in clinical ethics through the lens of Pellegrino’s works, such as end-of-life care, genomic medicine, and neuroethics
“Philosophy of Medicine“: a fresh look at Pellegrino’s work in the philosophy of medicine, with one eye looking back to his original body of work and another eye looking forward to how his writing might inform contemporary conversations regarding the philosophy of medicine.